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Non-Certified Staff - Job Details

Title:Substitute Teacher Instructional Assistant (2)
Date Created:11-14-24 (02:35 PM)
End Date: 
Location:Corydon, IN
Position Type:Non-Certified Staff
Content Areas:

Substitute Teacher Instructional Assistant
Starting Pay $18.62 an hour
Full time, working 7 hours a day/35 hours a week, 181 days a year, with benefits
*All employees must complete a nationwide criminal history, upon hire
Preferred Qualifications:
Based on P.L. 107-110,section 1119© (1), all paraprofessionals hired after January 8, 2002, shall have one of the following:
1) Two years of college experience
2) Two year college degree
3) Passed the Para-Pro Assessment
4) One year or 1,000 hours of previous employment experience in a school or working with children
5) Passed annual school-level evaluations
6) Completed 48 credit hours of college level classes
7) Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentials
8) Completed LEA required professional development modules/training
9) Completed other requirements - LEA may request approval from IDOE

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